Welcome to a safe place full of spiritual tools and therapies to empower and heal you, body mind and spirit.

I'm Rachel, and 32 years ago I went through an unexpected spiritual awakening after the sudden loss of my little brother, Simon.

I had to learn how to cope with my grief, and some new experiences with the afterlife that suddenly turned my world upside down and showed me how the universe truly works.

Since then I've turned all my experiences and knowledge toward helping anyone wishing to evolve and empower themselves. I believe you found this website for a reason.

I offer distant healing treatments, empowering and cleansing therapies, healing practitioner courses with lifetime support, and sharing knowledge via my podcast The Spiritual Sessions on YouTube and everywhere you find podcasts online.

I can and will help you to evolve into who you are meant to be, holding space for you, teaching you all the spiritual tools and skill-sets you need to create a more meaningful daily life.

Ready to take the first step?

Lets get started!


Here's my free guided meditation based on a simple ancient Buddhist technique to bring your mind and focus to calmness in the present moment:

You can see all the other ways I can help you here:

Reiki Healing with Rachel Keene

Angelic Energy Therapy

Diamond Energy Therapy with Rachel Keene


The Spiritual World Explained