This is a beautiful new moon in Virgo. Such positive energy abounds. This is a time of being truly grateful and optimistic despite the challenges we all face right now.
How do we forge a new, kinder world if we can’t sit in gratitude and intuitive hope?
Today, we have to trust ourselves.
We are attracting and manifesting deep soul nurturing purpose and connections, new people coming in, new depths of connection with our existing ride or die true friends, better relationships all round. We need to be honest and break the cycle with toxic people, and be grateful for those who enhance and improve our lives by being in our circles. We can cut old, corroded cords and forge shiny new ones with people we love and wish to have improved connection with. But as mentioned, we must not be afraid to make room for new people by distancing from those who take and have no concept of friendship being a two way street.
Ways to harness today’s amazing energy:
Keeping an open mind and not being afraid to say “YES!” to things that take you out of your comfort zone will reward you.
Make an honest and heart based assessment of what is working for you in your life, and what is no longer serving your highest good. Write it out, really be honest with yourself. The veil will lift today if you have been deluding yourself about something being better for you than it is. My free guided meditation Cord Cutting with Archangel Michael will be useful.
Face your fears – are they valid? Is it time to be bolder?
Trust your intuition. Meditate on a question, you will have the right answers, you will have more certainty of which direction to take.
Are you convincing yourself to be a diluted version of who you are crying out to be?
What will take you a step closer to being truly, authentically who you are and wish to be more day to day? Write down one single action you can make today. Maybe a phone call, or signing up for a course? Do it!
Virgo energy is all about what feels right and correct to us. Your own intuition and bullshit meter in your solar plexus will be bang on today, trust yourself above all others!