New Moon in Cancer | Energy Report


5th July 23:57 UK GMT

Emotions, emotions…

Am I safe?

Do I feel secure?

Do I feel nurtured?

Am I making my own self-care a priority?

We are feeling ALL the feels today. Even the shadowy ones we may not like to admit to. But it’s OK, if we let them out in a constructive and kind way.

In fact, kindness in everything we do today is advised, because we may say or do something without meaning to if we let the negative emotions fly out unchecked.

The past may come calling unexpectedly or old patterns may resurface we thought we had dealt with. Nostalgic memories may surface with all the love they remind us we deserve.

If you have some rose or smoky quartz, black moonstone, selenite or carnelian crystals, these will soothe you, keep them close by.

Meditate on the following:

The past has nothing new to say but what has it taught me?

What have I achieved since last new moon?

What do I wish to achieve during this next moon cycle?

How can I manifest what is for my highest good?

What are my emotions telling me today?

Who needs to hear that I love them dearly?


Until next time, with love

More power to you all

