Full Super Blue Moon in Aquarius

Energy Report

August 19th 19:26pm UT/GMT

Most of us are already feeling this one!

This full moon is so rare, we won’t see another one like this until 2032!

It will be a seasonal blue moon. This occurs when there are four full moons in a single astronomical season instead of the usual three. The third of these four full moons is designated as a blue moon.

The “super moon” part means that the moon is at its closest possible to Earth and exerts even more of an intense pull on our bodies and emotions.

We will be feeling some perfectionist urges, which will place too much pressure on ourselves to just be who we are. Resist the disillusionment, resist then urge to be self critical or to criticise others who are doing their best today.

Instead, embrace the harvest season, harness this rare energy to express, amplify and truly feel deep gratitude for all that we have and hold dear to us, and all we have experienced so far this year. Even the challenges… especially the challenges, for they have tested us to the limit and we are still here! Look at what you are capable of and how you can rise to anything should you choose to.

Don’t beat yourself up if you set goals that haven’t quite manifested yet. Instead, focus on the attitude you have in attaining what you set out to do.

What to focus upon

Are you still contributing all you can within your power and current circumstances? If yes, be gentle with yourself. If no, focus on what you can change, not on any lack… especially anything that is outside of your control.

Full Moon in Aquarius shows us our quirks, all that we are is laid bare to look into and accept as part of us as the whole. It asks that we celebrate and accept our uniqueness, our creativity, our ideas, our capabilities… and encourages us to express it all so much more than we already do. Time to stop worrying about what others may think of who we truly are.

I’ve personally learned to love the weirdness that I used to worry about as a child. I was just me being me, loving what I loved, not following the herd. It would often lead to me being misunderstood and not “fitting in”, but now I decide if I want to fit in with whatever is going on around me… or do I forge my own path and feel true to my authentic being?

I also learned that solitude is absolute bliss sometimes and must never be confused with loneliness. Spending time alone now and then is how we learn who we truly want to be and which boundaries we need to set with others in order not to feel put upon or unappreciated, unheard.

Take some time this full moon to sit quietly, comfortably and think about the following:

What lights you up?

What creative activity would you love to do more of?

Do something you’ve never done before that will bring a smile.

What can you do today to bring in a feeling of strength and capability?

Stop listening to criticism, external or internal. Swap your focus to what you CAN do that brings you a greater sense of self worth.

Look yourself in the mirror, and acknowledge something about yourself…something about who you are that you are proud of, no matter how small.

Take some time for self-care, even if it is 15 minutes.

Make sure you reap some rewards today, if not now, when?

And of course, as always I am here if you would like to book yourself in with me for some distant cleansing, healing or magickal bespoke workings… Take advantage of this powerful window for some amplified energy work!

Mini Ceremony:

Light a candle and think of all the things you wish to attract and manifest.

Before you go to sleep tonight, think about all of those things being real, already in your life and bringing you joy. Think about all you are already blessed with too.

Make a list if you wish, and place it under your pillow.

See what happens!

If you’d like to harness the power of this energy window over the next 48 hours, try my healing service The Empowerment Booster – find out more here…