A full moon lunar eclipse combines the intensity of a full moon with the transformative energy of an eclipse. Spiritually, this is a powerful time for releasing and letting go of old patterns that no longer serve your highest good, making space and emotional room for any much needed new beginnings. The eclipse amplifies the moon’s energy, which brings us heightened intuition, emotional clarity, and some perhaps unexpected personal revelations.

What to ask ourselves and act upon:

Transformation and Release:

Want to be truly rid of something?

Eclipses are hugely positive opportunities to release what no longer serves you. The full moon illuminates what needs to be let go, and the eclipse will intensify this process, making it easier to see ourselves clearly, honestly and shed old habits, beliefs, or relationships that are holding you back.

This period is also ideal for gaining clarity on those deeper personal issues we usually find difficult to change. The combination of the full moon and the eclipse’s powerful energy offer deeper than usual insights, helping you understand hidden aspects of your psyche.

Intuition and Reflection:

The eclipse enhances your intuition, making it a good time for introspective practices. Getting quiet for even a little while will bring you more peace and answers than usual. Meditation, journalling, or just sitting in quiet reflection can help you tap into your inner wisdom and gain new perspectives on your life.

Tips for Mental and Emotional Wellbeing:

1. Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, walking outside and really noticing everything you feel. These can help ground you and keep you centred amidst the heightened energy of the eclipse.

2. Set Intentions: Use the full moon to set clear intentions for what you want to manifest or achieve. Write them down and focus on them, visualizing your goals as already accomplished.

3. Writing: Reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Write about what you wish to release and what you hope to manifest and bring into your life. This can help process emotions and gain deeper insight into your personal growth.

4. Self-Care: Prioritise self-care practices that nourish your mind and body. This could include activities like taking a relaxing bath, creative crafts that put your mind into flow state, or spending more time in nature.

Of course, this is the perfect time to harness this energy with a cleanse or healing treatment with me – you can book yourself in here.

5. Emotional Release: Allow yourself to express and release any pent-up emotions. Whether through talking with a trusted friend, engaging in physical activity, or simply crying if it feels right to purge in this way, acknowledging and releasing these feelings will be therapeutic.

6. Create a Ritual: Cord cutting is especially powerful at eclipse time. You could write a personal ceremony to honour the energy of eclipse. Lighting candles, meditating, or performing a symbolic act of release and renewal, writing down your feelings or needs and burying them in earth. Do what feels right to harness this energy.

You can find my free Cord Cutting with Archangel Michael in my Meditation Store.

I am also happy to do any Bespoke Magical Workings to encourage deep change for you, book yourself in here.

By embracing the full moon lunar eclipse’s energy and following these practices, you can harness this potent time for mental and emotional growth, paving the way for positive change in your life.

More power to you!