New Moon In Libra PLUS Solar Eclipse

New Moon in Libra

2nd October 2024

19:49 pm

Solar Eclipse from 10:07 am UK/UT

Another powerful energy window!

New beginnings and seeking balance is the theme.

This new moon is perfect for taking back power in any unbalanced areas. Self care is super important, so please remember to use all spiritual tools available to you as this will power up all new intentions you set today.

We must remind ourselves we are all part of the one consciousness and as part of that collective energy we can tap into that bliss and radiate unconditional love whenever we wish.

This Libra new moon energy is wonderful for manifesting loving relationships and new supportive, kind friendships and connections.

Visualise and meditate on the kind of people you wish to attract into your life, think about how they live, how they hold energy for others, where you would find these people who are truly your tribe.

Libra is the sign of balance and partnership and is connected to Venus, which I’m sure you know, is all about love. Not just romantic, passionate love, but compassion for ourselves, others, animals and the natural world too.

As we approach this loving new moon, it is a good time to be thinking about how we relate to others and how we can build upon the important relationships we have.

Ask Quan Yin, Goddess of Compassion for her wisdom and presence as you seek guidance this new moon. You can call upon the Archangels (especially Jophiel) and all love goddess energies too.

This new moon really encourages you to focus on cooperation and finding equilibrium in your life.

This new moon coincides with a solar eclipse, which intensifies its energy.

The partial eclipse begins at 10.07am GMT UT with maximum coverage occurring at 11.03am and the eclipse ending at 12.00pm. Around 30-40% of the Sun will be obscured at the maximum. South America and parts of the Pacific will see the “ring of fire” dramatic effect.

Eclipses are powerful catalysts, often bringing about significant change and transformation, illuminating all areas that require attention or adjustment. This particular eclipse may prompt you to reassess your relationships, seek deeper connections, and let go of anything changeable that causes imbalance.

It’s a good time for manifesting new beginnings in partnerships, whether romantic, platonic, or professional. Reflect on what you value in your relationships and consider how you can create more harmony in your life.

Questions to ask ourselves:

Am I giving too much?


Am I taking too much?


Am I being fair to others? Are they being fair to me?


Where do I need better balance?


Do I need to take back my power to redress an imbalance?


How may I feel unconditional love in my most challenging relationships?


What do I need to bring into my relationships to improve them now?


Happy intention setting! 💫

I’m here to provide some deep distant healing and cleansing for you at this powerful time – check my availability and book  yourself in here.


And more power to you!
