How does distant healing work?

How Does Distant Healing Work?

A hand in silhouette reaches across space and time, galaxies and stars in the background. How does distant healing work?

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that many moons ago I was once a complete sceptic about all things woo. Especially healing!

But my mind was changed by deciding to experience it for myself, expecting nothing to happen. The result was my first pain free days in 5 years. I’d been in constant pain after an accident and surgery on my leg, so as you can imagine I was absolutely gobsmacked with shock!

I studied hands on healing for years, and progressed to working with distant healing. I would send healing to friends in different countries at first who had tried hands on face to face healing before with therapists but didn’t particularly enjoy being touched and felt a little self conscious lying on the treatment couch. I felt that way myself at times too when receiving healing, it was a distraction from the beautiful flow of energy I was receiving.

But how does this actually work, and is there any scientifically provable evidence?

Everything is Energy:

According to quantum theory, everything in the universe is made up of energy, including us. At a quantum level, there’s no real separation between objects—everything is interconnected.

Quantum Entanglement:

This phenomenon in quantum physics shows that two particles can become connected in such a way that when something happens to one, it instantly affects the other, even if they are miles apart. Even on opposite sides of the world! Similarly, in distant healing, energy sent by a healer can affect the recipient instantly, no matter the distance.

Intention & Focus:

Quantum physics suggests that the observer has an impact on what’s being observed (think Schrödinger’s cat!). In distant healing, the healer’s focused intention works much like this—by concentrating energy toward the recipient, positive changes can be made in their energetic field.

No Boundaries of Time or Space:

Just like in the quantum world, where particles can interact across great distances, healing energy can transcend physical boundaries, flowing freely across space and time.

Distant healing taps into the universal web of life force energy, the one consciousness we are all part of, allowing healing to occur, even when you’re not physically present with the healer.

Some people love to receive distant healing while they sleep at night, waking in the morning feeling the benefit.

There are so many healing modalities available in the world, I have tried most of them as recipient and I’ve looked into pretty much all of them, and have only become qualified in what I personally found effective in helping me heal myself in mind, body and spirit. That old sceptic still lives, so I always need that experiential proof for myself!

When it works for me, I trust it to work for you too.

You can learn more in depth about each healing modality I offer here

You can also check my availability and book yourself in here. If you don’t know what to choose, opt for Rachel’s Intuitive Choice and I will select what will serve your need best.

I look forward to working with your energy, give it a try!