Full Moon
28th January 19:16pm UK time
Truth vs lie is a bit of a theme on this full moon, within and without.
This is a time to sort the wheat from the chaff and make sure your knowledge is being sourced from a trusted place, especially before you act upon it. Listen to your intuition!
We need to step back from drama, personal and world stage. Time to focus on what brings us and those we love closer to our greatest and highest good instead, simplify, delete the BS, cleanse.
Make time for self-care, especially when it comes to mental health over the coming week as this full moon is one of “those” moons… intense, buzzing with energy, keeping us awake at night. I’m already waking several times per night with this energy! But not in a bad way.
We can take advantage and harness this intensity for our highest good, and I’ve been doing just that in those waking moments in the wee small hours, gazing up at mother moon, drawing down the replenishing, empowering energy. Watching the glints of diamond moonlight reflected on the snow and opening up Diamond Energy Therapy for a little blast of self healing. Marvelling in the magic of being present with that beauty of nature and the Universe. We need to drink in all of these tiny moments.
We are really being prompted to think about the opportunities and abundance we can create, the much bigger picture, beyond the current state of things. If we allow our minds to be limited now, we will miss so much possibility and opportunity.
Some questions and mantras to meditate or journal upon for this full moon:
• Where am I placing my thoughts and attention and is this for my highest good?
• What would I like to dream up, create and plan?
• I feel scared, but do I need to? What are the facts?
• I will replace all unfounded fears with trust in my own capability to cope.
• I will truly feel compassion toward myself and others.
• I call in empowered lion/lioness strength, energy and inspiration today!
This full moon is also a Wishing Moon – a time to manifest great things!
Author: admin
Angelic Energy Therapy
‘Earth Angels walk with both feet on the ground’ ‘Come out of the darkness and into the light. Transforming the shadow to let the light in; transmuting the darkness and bringing you back down to earth. Grounding you back into your body and out of your head.’
I was attuned to this beautiful, serene healing therapy in 2020 by the founder Emma Sims, and it has enabled some profound shifts and healing within me personally.
I’m so excited I’m now able to offer these distant treatments to you too!
New Moon in Capricorn – Energy Report
While New Moons are always a good time to set intentions, today we are being asked to set intentions from a new place of knowledge learned through adversity.
We have broken down the things we took for granted or assumed.
Now, at this new moon we are being asked to think about who we want to be moving forward. We need to think about who we are as spiritual beings experiencing the challenge of human existence and be unafraid to confront ourselves. Exploring the shadows in who we are is pure honesty. Then we can know and do what we need to in order to get closer to being that authentic real person going forward.
Today provides motivation that will inspire and fuel us to tackle any challenging energies, and tasks that have been put off and need to be completed. You may also notice a sudden burst of confidence and clarity, allowing difficult decisions to be made more easily than of late.
This New Moon is a grounding influence and a good time to reconnect with the Earth, our ancestors, and our roots.
Commit to dropping the BS, strip away the inauthentic behaviours and you will be shown the real you, the one you might have buried deep under the needs of others or your own need for approval.
Take some time out in nature, maybe a walking meditation. Ask your guides, angels and ancestors to draw close, ask for their guidance, prompts and strength as you ask yourself honestly:
- How have my priorities shifted in the past year of upheaval?
- Is there real authenticity to how I choose to live now?
- If not, how can I make the change?
- What do I need to create, attract and speak into being?
- What small step can I make right now to make it happen?
Capricorn goat energy is just what we need to climb this mountain right?
Think about how far you’ve had to climb in the past year, with the global cha-cha of lockdowns, rebuilding, setbacks, rebuilding again on top of our usual challenges too… You are stronger than you think, this is proven 100% fact, you are still here! A little stubbornness may actually work in your favour today as you ponder this but you may find yourself tempted to lock horns with people over issues that aren’t really worth the energy. Choose wisely!
2020 was not a wasted year. It was a year to awaken, realign our core beliefs and values, to come to view things in a new way. Use all that you have learned and bless whatever magical seeds of intention you plant on this New Moon!
If you need some spiritual tools or support, I can help…
Until next time…
Full Moon in Cancer – December 29th 2020
Perfect cleansing and re-set energy of this full moon in Cancer on 29th December 2020 to prepare for a brighter new year!
All our close relationships, especially those with our immediate family and nurturing roles will be imbued with a deeper love, a new ease of connection if we allow. All sensitives among us will be feeling even more deeply empathic than usual… so prepare to feel ALL the feels and be OK with it!
Go with the flow, don’t fight it, no point in trying to avoid its BIG and all encompassing heightened emotions, they will flow anyway!
Today’s energy demands us to take note, evaluate and most of all take action, make change whenever and wherever a revelation is made. Expect an epiphany or two to happen today.
We can harness this energy to help to bring about necessary endings in gentle and non confrontational ways – it is a helpful time for making things less painful than need be.
So, how?
Keep it very simple.
Mindfully set an intention to receive wisdom from your higher power on how to rise above any less than healthy habits and choices, and how to gently release ourselves from people and circumstances that bring unhappiness. All will be revealed.
A perfect time to work on letting go. Can you? Be brave, all will be well.
Do you need some extra help from me with a spiritual energetic cleanse and re-set? Try my Clean Slate service.Prepare yourself and your home for a peaceful festive season and an abundant new year…
Until next time…
New Year Blessings
Rachel xxx
FAQ – Life After Death, Life On the Other Side – Is it Real?
Life After Death is real.
Do you have questions about life on the other side? I know I had so many questions when I first became aware of spirits being real and realised that physical death is not the end.
Questions such as:
What happens when we die?
What do we do on the other side?
What does the other side look like?
Is Heaven real?
Do we look the same and stay the same age?
These questions and more about life after death answered here, hope it helps you too.
Energy Report – New Moon & Solstice
We are going to be experiencing an intense build of energy and events which many of us can already feel.
Today we have a new moon AND total solar eclipse in Sagittarius, daring us to dream and create new beginnings that feel authentic and aligned with our highest and greatest good.
This new moon lends energy to us acquiring higher knowledge, seeking justice, lawful changes and uncovering truth. A powerful time of revelation that will help all of us shift positively from the old to new.
We can set positive new intentions today for renewal and reinvention, as we move towards the even more powerful than usual Winter Solstice on the 21st which also aligns with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in our night sky which will be a sight to see.
Energy wise, Saturn and Jupiter are both suggesting much power being exerted by “authority” however that manifests in your life now. You may find some authority figure going all out in a last ditch attempt to control you. Mars is encouraging chaos but also creating big awakenings at the same time, so we will see some uprisings around the world in early 2021 as we move to take back our power on a global and personal level in our relationships too. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction hasn’t been seen since 1623, AND heralds the beginning of a new 20 year cycle for the human race shifting into a more mindful existence.
2021 will feel like a new beginning, energies will be so much lighter and there will be more compassion, less of the low vibrational “Me! Me! Me!” attitudes we’ve been subjected to. How refreshing!
Winter Solstice this year is a huge day for good energy worldwide. The indigenous people of Australia will be conducting a sacred ceremony at Uluru at solstice to raise vibrations for the good of the planet which we can all send good thoughts toward between now and then.
So how do we make the most of this energy shift?
Try to focus only on that you wish to see in the world, and that you wish to build upon and experience more of in your personal life as an individual. As the great Gandhi quote says, we have to “Be the change” not just wish for it.
We can partake in small random acts of kindness, contribute time and effort to something in our local or online communities, pay it forward somehow.
We really do create our reality through intention and frequency, and our manifesting powers are very real if we believe in achieving realistic changes.
What changes are non-negotiable and much needed right now?
Quarantine times have probably heightened your awareness as being a part of nature, not apart from it. We’ve become even more grateful for the pure love and energy of animal companions as well as the need for connection with each other.
How can we connect heart to heart with each other, even in times of physical separation?
You may have noticed your extra-sensory abilities have gone up a gear or two this year. I’ve been mentoring so many of you wishing to enhance your abilities, maybe you want to learn more about tapping into your inklings and knowings, helping yourself and others to evolve with this knowledge?
Do Not Feed The Fears! While the world is transitioning from darkness into a lighter state, there will be chaos but you do not have to allow it into your being. You may find my Chaos Flush attunement empowerment as helpful a tool as I do in keeping external chaos at bay. It does not enter my world, I am extremely grateful to have it in my spiritual toolkit!
Think really honestly about what it will take to effect meaningful change, to build a life you don’t want to escape from, even when challenges arise.
Do you need to retrain to sustain this vision?
Add new life skills or enhance existing abilities or qualifications to step into a life that current challenges prevent you from living?
Spend as much time as you can being mindful, meditating, or doing things that bring you joy. If you can feel peace and calm even amongst chaos, there is nothing you can’t overcome. Let go of all the old stagnant energy that’s been coming up lately – past relationships, former friendships, heavy commitments, jobs, places that you know no longer serve you, and lovingly assert yourself.
Some useful tools for you:
Free Zen Mindfulness Guided Meditation – Be in the moment, be less anxious.
Free Golden Hand Instant Grounding technique
My favourite YouTube meditation music playlist
Free Eir Healing Drumming Sound Videos
Clean Slate (including home cleanse and distant healing treatments)
Diamond Energy Therapy (30 or 60 minutes)
30 Minute Distant Healing Session
You can book yourself in with me here
Words of Comfort – Poems and Readings for Funerals and Memorials
I remember how hard it was to find the right words for the readings at the funeral services of my brother and my dad. Some years ago I put together this compilation of beautiful words and poems to help others find the right words for their loved ones life celebrations and memorials. I hope it helps you too if you are in need of finding beautiful tributes for someone you love upon their passing.
Full Moon In Gemini Plus Lunar Eclipse
Today is a full moon in Gemini with a Lunar Eclipse.
What you need to know:
We really have to read the room carefully and with consideration today. It’s a time for extreme kindness and care even in the face of provocation, and there will be some! Toxic relationships and the patterns that keep repeating therein will be coming to an end, possibly via some unexpected turn of events. Be prepared to be shocked but also see these events as an opportunity for a timely exit. If a door presents itself, let go, finally and run through it to freedom and lock it behind you.
If you allow the painful lesson to end you’ll see the teaching it gave you and the beautiful opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead, free of drama and living with chaotic energy.
What or who do you need to free yourself from so you can truly be your authentic self?
Chaos does not need to be normalised. You have more choices than you know.
Freedom and self empowerment awaits!
Take advantage of the free tools here on this site to help yourself, and you know where I am if you need some soothing treatment tonight!
More power to you… ✨
When Honouring the Dead Seems Wrong
Samhain is a time for gratitude and honouring the dead. We create altars, bring out the photos, make food, gather around the fire and reminisce and share stories about those who went before us. We remember and give thanks for their influence on our lives.
In recent times though, we’ve been reminded that for some, our forebears were horrible people who did terrible things. What if some of our ancestors were violent abusers, homophobes, or genocidal racists, slave traders?
If our ancestors were not and are not people we would welcome into our lives or at our hearths, we owe them nothing.
We are under no obligation to venerate them just because they came before us.
Instead, we owe it to ourselves to recommit to our own efforts to break the cycle.
What can we do instead to build a better legacy for our future generations, to do and be better than those ancestors were?
We are the ancestors of the future, celebrate this fact in whatever way you see fit. Perhaps create a meaningful ceremony to reflect this dedication.
Part of my own ceremony also honours those who were unjustly killed by those who colonialised and invaded other cultures. None of my own ancestors did that according to my family tree, but in my culture, many were invaders and murderers across the world. By honouring those who were hurt and killed by those actions we also set an intention that it never happens again.
Creating a line of distinction between you and your ancestors reinforces this too – a cord cutting exercise will help too.
Along with a full moon releasing ceremony which can be as simple as this, add your own wording to it:
Make your own ceremony empowering and sincere – taking back power and creating a strong message to the Universe of your intent.
Blessings to you, from my hearth to yours.
Samhain Full Blue Moon – Energy Report
The second full moon of October falls on Samhain, in the way more relaxed and grounded energy of Taurus, encouraging us to slow down, be present and take a moment to use all of our senses to guide us to our highest good in all daily matters. It is a sensible sign, reining us in gently. Love and money will be in sharp focus, no rash moves or acting on impulse!
Mercury and Mars Retrograde is upon us which can be a time of duality – a frustrating time for anything going to plan, but perfect with this Taurus energy for going within and assessing what needs to change. If you do make plans, triple check details and be prepared for the unexpected. Remaining flexible is a must, measured responses, take a breath before reacting and make very grounded decisions before any action.
Make time to tune in to how you feel moment to moment during this full moon – pay attention to all of your gut feelings that may be screaming the opposite of whatever seems true on the surface.
Releasing anything that no longer serves a purpose will make space for new adventures ahead. We may be living in challenging times but our minds are free, we are limitless beings and need to be reminded of our collective power to effect meaningful change.
Questions we can ask ourselves on this full moon:
What do I need to change?
What can I do to begin those changes right now?
Do I know my worth?
Am I honouring my feelings enough?