Author: admin
Full Moon Sept 2017
My Chronic Pain Story
Chronic pain doesn’t define how I live thanks to some coping mechanisms that could help you too. Thanks for watching xx
Eclipse Energies!
Are we having fun yet??
Well if you’ve been swinging wildly between confusion at unexpected aggression from strangers and loved ones, and bursts of beautiful creativity and joyful wonder, then its ok, you are in good company!
If you are reading this, chances are you are spiritually inclined and a compassionate human being. Which means you might be feeling overwhelmed at times with the sheer strength of the energies at play this past week or two (see my blog post earlier this month for more on that) and especially this run up to the powerful eclipse tomorrow (Monday 21st).
We are still in Mercury Retro, which gives us Hermit tendencies at the best of times, both good “going within and coming to personal eureka” moments, and the “no thank you, I am staying home with my cat, a bucket of ice cream and Game of Thrones” kind.
But the world is super sensitive, tetchy, quick to anger too. Partly due to many things, so here’s my guide to what’s happening and how to make the best of it all! :
Mercury Retro. Be gentle with yourself, don’t action huge important long term plans but create and dream and enjoy the process! Most of all try not to take offence at any of the aforementioned grrrrr behaviour of others.
Effects of the lunar eclipse, the solar eclipse and the recent spike in the Schumann Resonance are super intense on the physical body too. Some are feeling super energised and wonderful, but some are experiencing challenges too. Vertigo, palpitations, headaches, woolly headedness and unexpected summer colds anyone? Many of you have been reporting these and other symptoms over the past few weeks. This too shall pass! But do get to the doctor’s for a check up if you feel really awful! If you are feeling fabulous, then enjoy this magical time!
New Moon on Monday (yes if like me and you are over 40 you are all singing this now) This new moon is in Leo, which is strong and feisty energy but in all the right ways, such as creating opportunities to reconcile differences between yourself and how you feel about the world/or loved ones who have been getting on your last nerve. Will you carve your own path or submit to the will of others for a quiet life? The former is more achievable right now if you usually opt for the latter. You might like this meditation too.
Our feelings are amplified and so is the negative self speak and judgement, but instead of looking where to blame, we can address and heal those issues as they rise to the surface now – whether we are ready for this or not – it is happening, and we can use the Leo energy of this New Moon to face them head on and roar! Create new and constructive habits instead.
The planetary alignments plus total solar eclipse in Leo on August 21st give us the great opportunity to take incredibly transformative inner journeys. Self administered compassion and unconditional love to heal ourselves, to open ourselves up, shadow side and all – giving allowance to abundance in all things for our personal and collective greater good.
Have you been increasingly unable to deny being your authentic weird and wonderful self? Feeling like quitting your soul sucking job, or telling controlling people where to go? Theres a reason for that. This energy combo is pushing us to choose integrity and authenticity, and to drown out fear.
Creating good new habits and working towards the greater good in any way , shape or form is wonderful right now – go for it! Daily random acts of kindness, taking time to honour nature, stargazing (still some meteors until mid September too!)
If you feel super overwhelmed and unsure how or where to begin and need some help navigating and coping with this energy, perhaps my Clean Slate will be the solution you require to press that reset button?
Moods in general will be much less intense, and more love and peace from Tuesday. Phew!
Whatever you do to make the best of this magnificent opportunity for change – more power to you!
With love and brightest blessings!
Rachel xxxx
Whew! Full Moon, Eclipses, Lion’s Gate…
Nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hide…
You know that stuff you’ve been feeling lately, rising to the surface over and over? That stuff you’ve been avoiding, pushing away, pushing down, telling yourself,
“I’ll deal with that later” maybe because time seems to be racing by at high speed?
Whether we do turn and face our stuff, or bury our heads, the time will pass either way.
What we have occuring right now is a unique opportunity. An expansion of spiritual energy which will continue for weeks, maybe even months, shining a light into our darkest corners and illuminating the areas of our lives already bursting with light and potential.
These energies affect us differently. One person may feel alive and bursting with energy, another may feel the opposite.
You may have felt a certain level of exhaustion, or heightened emotional, mental and physical awareness or discomfort this past week or so. Anxiety, chaotic events occurring, thoughts of past events coming back to you, plans not going smoothly, technology misbehaving. I personally have had a washing machine and shower pump go kaput in the past 3 days alone!
So here’s the rundown on what’s happening:
Past Week:
Build up time to the full moon is always intense for some. We can feel all kinds of things going on, euphoria, lots of energy, or insomnia, mood swings, headaches and various other symptoms!
The Schumann Resonance, the Earth’s Heartbeat spiked again on 31st July – coupled with solar storms, which can make us feel everything is intensified and heightened. Your body will be feeling this, you may feel achy, drained, woolly headed, less inclined to move fluidly and easily but it will pass. You can read more about this here.
At 7.10 pm UK time/ 2.10pm Eastern US time today the moon becomes full.
It is also a Wishing Moon, one of 8 sacred energy full moons in the wheel of the year.
This Full Moon in Aquarius reminds us of the importance to follow any urge to work on our dreams no matter what else may be going on. Aquarius beings clear waters to areas where we feel trapped, like a cool clear river washing away blocks we’ve become more and more aware of recently.
You may find yourself awakening, asking, “Why am I struggling with freedom in my life?”
Aquarius reveals to us where freedom is possible. Now is the perfect time to set the intention of seeing clearly where you may have been tied to old situations, to old ways of thinking, feeling and living.
At 7.20 pm UK time today, we will experience a partial lunar eclipse.
Whether we can actually see the moon eclipse or not, the energy is all that matters. Such powerful opportunity to create new beginnings by mindfully placing our attention on the new that we wish to create and manifest, while putting the past to rest. We are being urged to look at the bigger picture rather than becoming bogged down in the small stuff always demanding our attention, pulling us away from the moment and being present if we allow. Energy always flows where our focus goes. Times like these we need to be mindful more than usual about what and how we think. Maybe it’s time for some positive self-speak, to finally shift into changing a negative core belief at last?
Tomorrow 8th August
Orion’s Belt aligns with the pyramids in Giza, which some refer to as the Lion’s Gate Portal. It is the point marking New Year according to Ancient Egyptian belief. Whatever your belief system is today, powerful alignments like this give us the opportunity to harness that energy for the greater good and power up our intentions while releasing the past. Seeing a theme yet? 😀
12th August – Mercury journeys retrograde until 5th September, joining five other planets in retrograde.
You will notice waves of change sweeping through your everyday life, some big, some small, but all of them important. Even the challenging changes are perfect opportunities to learn and grow.
Your techno gadgets may go loopy, communication may feel like trying to understand Swahili, and you may feel at times like you are taking one step forward, two steps back – but – its OK, go with it!
Don’t get downcast, think of Mercury Retro as more like a cha-cha, it’ll all come good in the end if you keep your cool.
21st August – A solar eclipse! More on that in another blog to come.
How to help this energy work for you this month:
Be Gentle With Yourself! – Make this week as simple as possible so you don’t feel the overwhelm rising. Don’t get into unnecessary conflict, cut yourself some slack and speak to yourself and others kindly.
Be Here Now. Be present. Make it as easy as possible – Feel free to use my FREE Zen Mindfulness guided Meditation whenever you need to bring your focus inward quickly and effortlessly. You’ll feel different in 15 minutes!
You are not alone in your quest for spiritual well-being and mindful evolution. Remind yourself that you have access to all kinds of tools and people to help you acquire them, new ways to work through whatever needs attention or healing.
If you have a drum, use it!
Ground yourself, sage your space if you can or light incense or a candle, setting the intention of discovering whatever needs to be revealed to you most. Then let the rhythm flow as it will, see where your thoughts take you and journal them right afterwards before you forget them.
I find drumming a huge healing experience, if you don’t have a drum, you can experience the Healing Drum with me wherever you are in the world.
Harness the Wishing Moon energy to manifest your intentions, your creative desires. More on how to do that here.
Chuck it in the Fuck it Bucket! – Please do not allow minor challenges to become blown out of proportion, do not sabotage yourself by overreacting to something that will pass quickly.
Before reacting to something challenging, ask yourself this;
“Will this matter to me in a day? A week? A month? A year?”
If the answer is no, roar a triumphant and positive “Fuck it!” and chuck it in that bucket!
*aaaand now I have the theme song to Friends in my brain after writing that*
This Aquarius Full Moon falls between two Leo new moons, which are all about following your heart’s desire.
The Lion’s Gate power can urge us to be Lion-like in all aspects. We also have Mars warrior influence doing the fandango amongst all this – so feistiness and tetchiness easily manifests right now. Be careful your roar doesn’t self sabotage in knee-jerk reactions to others who may be less aware of why they are experiencing this energy!
Use this Lion strength for good causes, channel it however it manifests in positive ways for you. Use it to stand up for what you believe in, rather than roaring at the moon in frustration.
However you choose to mark this time of powerful energy, I wish you magickal Full Moon and Eclipse Blessings!
With Love
Rachel xxxx
Synchronicity all around…
It’s been a beautifully synchronistic time this past couple of weeks. I love it when we encounter the signs that tell us we are on the right path, making a good decision, or simply confirm time and again that everything is connected.
At our Lammas gathering, our conversation turned to how a dear friend present grew up in Singapore… Which then led to me sharing about my late great aunt’s time as an army wife there in the 1950s. Turns out they were all living there at the exact same time and may even have known each other as the social circles they moved in were the same! We were dining right next to Aunt Norah’s mirror and dragons I inherited too, just to add even more synchronicity!
Last week our beloved old girl (our car) was diagnosed with all kinds of worn out bits (a bit like me!) so we had to accept that the huge repair cost just to get it to pass the MOT test would be better spent on something newer. So, I set about looking for a similar car, and the first one I found was an angelic white one. The plate began with RK, followed by the year Mr F and I got married! I did scan around for others but just kept getting pulled back to that one.
We arranged to see it immediately and as we stepped outside our front door, two white feathers perfectly arranged in a folded angel wing formation were on the ground. Then when we arrived at the dealership, I had another white feather at my feet as I walked away from our old car. I could feel my Dad’s presence and just knew we needed to look no further, and as we sat in the new car we just looked at each other and grinned, it felt like it had always been ours.
Then, this morning I pulled my daily random card from my mixed bowl of angel and tarot as usual, and the card that appeared:
Angels and feathers everywhere!
Have a blessed day – more to come later about all this moon energy! xxx
Princess Diana
From an article in the Guardian today. Princess Diana’s brother Charles Spencer talking about the frank and honest eulogy he wrote and gave at her funeral.
“Spencer said the highly personal nature of the eulogy meant he wanted to “protect it before delivering it” so no one else could have a say in it.
He added he had read the speech to Diana’s body in St James’s Palace chapel a couple of days before she was buried, saying: “I know people will think I’m some sort of fruitcake but I do remember hearing almost some sort of approval then, and then I realised actually I had probably got the thoughts in order.”
Oh yes, in my opinion, Diana was letting him know loud and clear just how much she approved greatly. 😀
Today’s New Moon – Remember Who You Are!
Beautiful, powerful Leo energy in today’s new moon urges us to be filled with strength and remember who we are, powerful creators of our own destiny. A new moon is always a fertile time for new starts but this one is particularly amazing.
In tarot, Leo the lion often appears on the major arcana card for Strength. Lion is fierce, warm and loyal. “Does the lion worry about the opinions of sheep?” Nope. Lion roars and takes the initiative. The Lion is his/her true authentic self.
Today is a wonderful time for initiating what you wish to bring to you in order to live an authentic life, true to what you stand for and believe. To begin creating or contributing towards something positive and life changing for others who feel challenged. Now is the time for doing, with the focus on being clear about exactly what it is we wish to attract and create more of.
If you have recently asked, “Why me?” or felt powerless about events in your life, you can begin to change your thinking and expectations today.
Other planetary influences are warning us to temper the Lion with kindness, tact and diplomacy, especially if we are facing the truth of some uncomfortable circumstances or feel righteous anger – The Big Ego will be puffed up so be aware and prepared for that.
If today had a mantra it would be “Know Thyself” – A reminder we are to treat ourselves with the same kindness we show others – accept all parts of who we are and give ourselves permission to roar!
Full Moon July 9th 2017
Well this full moon in Capricorn is already stirring us all up in many different ways.
Take extra super duper special care of your important relationships for the next week or so!
Fortunately for me my beloved Mr F is a Capricorn, and thankfully he is blessed with all the good goaty qualities – tenacity, great moral and work ethics, loyalty and being there in every way possible for those he loves and cares for.
As for the rest of us, especially if you are a fire sign apparently – we need to watch out for some of the less wonderful qualities in ourselves and others this weekend too – there may be a tendency to lock horns or kick against authority or those who seem to perceive themselves as being in a position to issue orders we may not like!
We’ve all seen that joke about burning down an entire house to get rid of a spider. Bear this in mind as metaphor for how we need to keep check on our emotional intensity, don’t burn any bridges! (Or spidery houses. Although if you saw my Facebook post last week about being woken by a spider walking ON MY FACE you may see why I’d be tempted).
I digress.
So, extra patience and diplomacy at the workplace, diplomacy with our siblings, kids, parents or elders. Especially with those who may feel the urge to dispense their “helpful” unwanted or unsolicited advice, comments, articles cut from a magazine about weight loss… as there is a danger we may blurt our feelings about that advice and wish we had not with hindsight! Beware – it is more likely to happen with father figures or anyone taking an authoritarian stance. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony right now.
Now let’s talk about the oodles of AMAZING energy we can call in to ourselves with this blazingly fierce full moon!
Mindful Gratitude – counting our blessings for what we have in our lives will attract more abundance than ever right now. A simple little gratitude ritual or blessing of your own design will attract all good experiences.
Some ideas:
- If you set goals last new moon, meditate on how you can fine tune them if needed.
- Think about your work/home balance. This moon is a good one for adjustment in this area.
- If you have a gratitude jar full of notes about good things that you’ve experienced so far this year, open it, read them all and share the happy. If not, start one!
- Light a fire (safely!) and write a list of everything positive in your life that lights you up. Add some jasmine oil or dried jasmine flowers and cast into the fire asking the flames to carry your gratitude to whatever/whoever you consider your higher power or source creator to be.
- Drum! If you have a drum, ground, light incense or smudge before you begin, close your eyes or gaze at the moon if she’s visible at night where you are –just like we used to look “through” those magic eye pictures…let your gaze be direct but soft, feel the moon energy and see where the drumming takes you. Ask for a vision of how to bring more abundance to your life.
- We can’t all light a fire and drum until sunrise – If you aren’t feeling like breaking out the woo-woo, or living circs don’t permit – a simple act of random kindness, giving to charity will work just as well in circulating this moon’s good vibes.
So my lovelies, armour up, shields up, but with an open and soft heart and a big smile!
(c) Rachel Fowler-Keene
It’s Been Emotional! Super Duper New Moon in Cancer June 2017
Feeling crabby?
June has been a deeply felt emotional roller coaster ride, especially for us empaths and sensitives. Too many feels!
As soon as we got clear of Mercury retro in May, Saturn got involved and all hell broke loose. So when we say “there must be a flipping weird planetary alignment” at a time of chaos and instability, this is what we are talking about! We are particularly feeling it here in the UK with political waves and awful events hitting us hard.
Worldwide the events of the past month have stirred the pot of chaos more than ever.
The build up to this new moon has made us more prone to overly emotional thinking or allowing nostalgia to overcome common sense in the love department.
The good news is, this dark time of the moon always offers us a vital opportunity to harness its energy to change. But even better – this new moon in the sign of Cancer we are experiencing today, is a super duper moon!
This is a time for examining what we need and invoking it.
Commit fully to your personal goals that reflect the positive energy of the crab. This period will help us honour the most intimate feelings, our deepest desires. It also makes us feel a need for security and a sense of “home”.
The past few weeks have revealed any issues around money and domestic household affairs that need to change for the better. If you’ve felt conflict over money in particular, this is a time for that to be resolved (but watch your temper if you need to collaborate!)
If you are unhappy with your domestic circumstances, this is a good time to work out how to change things for the better. Form a plan of positive action. Sitting down and writing it out in bullet points or list form helps if your mind feels jumbled. Especially if your emotions have been getting the better of you!
You may be really feeling the urge to purge, to simplify your life and surroundings – or just finally declutter your kitchen crap drawer (we all have one!) this weekend.
Oh, and this moon is Bringing Sexy Back (yeah!) Romance is intense, inspired, feisty and especially for those in long term relationships or those in new relationships after a long dry spell – you’ll be rediscovering some new passions! Ooh la la!
We can invoke abundance and clear ourselves more easily than we think.
Here are some simple ways to do that:
Chaos Flush Empowerment – Banish chaotic energies, situations and people at will
A Simple Chakra Awareness Meditation