Hello folks,
Well the past few weeks have been blippy McBlippy and testing of the patience has been theme du jour…but as usual, nothing keeps me down!
We were descended upon unannounced mid March by noisy builders to repair the leaky roof in our apartment block, which as you can imagine threw my one to one schedule out of the window completely… of course said builders had no idea how long the work would actually take so I’ve had to throw myself at your mercy and hope you lovely lot will bear with me! And you always do, I am very lucky to work with such kind clients. Work is finished now, finally, so booking everyone back in among the already full diary has been a challenge but I got there!
Then just as I was hitting my stride – lurgy. As some of you may already know, mediumship etc is impossible for me when I am ill, especially so with head related things. Instead of getting all grrr and arrrrgh about it, I just focused on getting well, resting and didn’t get wound up. I just go with the flow at these times. Why? Not because I have any zen-like mastery of self… I just remind myself “this too shall pass” and there is nothing to be gained by fighting what I cannot change. Yes, I had mucus demons living in my sinuses, but with rest and gentleness with myself, they leave much faster. Added bonus, I got time to write more of my e-books, and to revisit series one and two of the Walking Dead on Netflix 🙂 I have a much better immune system now than days of old so thankfully I’ve bounced back within a week and am now hoisting up my big girl panties, firing on all cylinders, rolling up my sleeves and cordially invite the Universe to berrrrr-ing it on! 🙂
Challenges can either de-rail us or make us more determined to continue on, to get where we are going, even if we have no clue of the destination. It is always a choice you know, how we react to anything. Challenges test our strength and we can always come out stronger. And with these blips and bumps in the road, the journey never becomes dull. Instead of frustration and annoyance I seek out what positives I can gain from each blip. There’s always something 🙂
Hope to work with you soon!