Category Archives: Blog
Its Always Darkest Before Dawn…
The longest night…
Yule is upon us again, where has this year gone?
This is an interesting time. We have just gone into Mercury retro again but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing – especially in combination with the winter solstice for those of us in the Northern hemisphere. We are encouraged to go within, to be The Hermit and seek our own answers, to poke around in those dark corners of the psyche and discover what it is we wish to free ourselves of and do the necessary work on ourselves to achieve just that. Hibernation is rest… and self reflection while we make time for that, to honour that urge to purge that comes over us at this time is something not to be shied away from. Bring those parts of self out of the shadows! For those parts we may not like to see in ourselves or others teach us more than anything else. Sit with these dark corners, be fearless about truly being the witness, become the observer …and the answers will come clear to how we process “What do I do with this now I am aware of my flaw?”
It is a great time to heal old wounds, to be clear in our communications, making sure we take responsibility for being heard more clearly than ever in our dealings with others. This time of year can be fraught with miscommunication, so its more important than ever to be mindful in how we speak and especially in how we listen to others. Are we hearing rudeness, thoughtlessness? Or pain? Are we listening through our own filter? Take a beat to consider what may be affecting someone before reacting. Where possible, be kind rather than right… Yet of course, if someone is an outright asshole for no good reason at all, they may need a reality check! Just don’t burn any bridges this particular festive season unless you are truly, 100% done with second chances.
I’ve also been reminded of the great healing power of surrendering to “what is” in the past couple of weeks. This year has provided challenges, achievements and joys in equal measure, but in November I got too wrapped up in the need to be “doing” – I Â often do this, I feel great, have a rush of creativity and ideas and neeeeeed to implement them allatonce… Â wheeeeee….
I .Do.Not.Need.To.Do.Everything.Now.
And so, in the midst of this creative roll, even though I was still yoga-ing and taking care of my nutrition and so on, I temporarily forgot to just Be. The physical self rebelled, and some gastric git of a bug got in and I had no choice but to Be. For a week.
At first, the unpleasant painful symptoms and horrible sensitivity to light sources of all kinds rendered me sleepy and unable to work even from my bed if I wanted to. So I had no choice but to close my eyes, breathe and be present with What Is.
Yes,  I experienced pain, frustration, annoyance. Then I just  went with it, surrendered to the enforced rest and found solace and comfort in it.. For a few days I didn’t even care if I knew what time of day it was when I woke from a nap.If I couldn’t eat, I’d get my nutrition in a few mouthfuls of smoothie and go back to sleep. So be it.  And within that, I found such a peace, that this too would pass but in the meantime, I would just exist and be present with whatever I was experiencing, painful, good bad or indifferent.
I am well again now, and I look and feel rested. Not like I’ve been ill at all. My skin is better than ever, my joints are less painful. I am in a place of zero fucks given about what I “should” be doing. I’m happy in my work. I am entirely at peace with whatever arises moment to moment even if it is challenging. It passes. I’m super present with the changing light on the trees and fields outside, the hooting of our resident owl who likes to whit whoo down our chimney at dusk (and 3am for some bonkers reason!)
Who knew that surrender and being present even with the icky stuff could be so good.
Whatever this season brings, please release yourself from the pressure to be what is expected of you. You can only be who you are in this moment. I wish you the ability to experience gratitude and joy, no matter how big or small, without tying yourself up in knots of anxiety or pressure.
Take a breath, check in with yourself and just experience What Is.
The darkest night precedes the return of the light…
Lots of love and Yuletide Blessings!
New Moon | 29th November 2016
Tuesday, November 29
New moons offer us new beginnings. 🌙
A chance to shift old energy, thought & behaviour patterns, change our perspective and release all that no longer serves us, instantly making room for the new to manifest into our lives.
And this one in Sagittarius is taking no prisoners!
This energy today is all about taking action and being yourself, unafraid of what others may think. Easier said than done to be *that* bold, right?The first steps of any journey are usually the most challenging, with fear of the unknown. But – heres the crunch – if you never try you will never know.
See it more as the sharing of your unique abilities and skills with others and not holding back on what you could actually contribute to the world. It is a good day to anchor a commitment to learn something new or to pursue a new area of interest – even some kind of new relationship, be it romantic or friendship level. Anything that you put into motion today has the Universe meeting you half way!
It is not a day to be hiding from the world. Stand in your own truth and integrity. Others will believe or act as they choose, but you *can* do something about how you live your own life and what you do to take care of what is important to you. It is time for us all to step up and evolve as individuals within the greater consciousness.
But how?
You can begin right now by taking care of your own mind, spirit and body. Maybe you feel like making a higher level of commitment to being your true authentic self by eliminating whatever causes fear and negativity in your life.
Whatever you choose to focus upon today, choose wisely. Make changes that bring you at least a little more into alignment with your true self and you can’t go wrong!
Warmest regards
Rachel xxx
Inappropriate humour does live on after popping off…
I have had a very eventful 24 hours with my family members in Spirit. I may not be connecting with Spirit much these days for others, but they are finding inventive ways to pop in and deliver what I need to hear from them on a personal level… its like they are saying “OK, now its your turn Rachel”
I was thinking about Dad this morning and thanked him for allowing my Nan and Grandad to come through for me last night via a very talented medium at a circle I attended. The detail of evidence was astounding and absolutely proved they are with me and helping me often. So my iPod was on shuffle mode this morning, playing random songs as usual while I do my admin work on autopilot – then the song “Good Night” by the Beatles came on. It was the song played at Dad’s funeral as the curtains closed on the coffin at the crematorium so I stopped to listen. I always feel sad when I hear it, but Dad always went into silly mode to stop my tears when he was alive, usually with some inappropriate or offbeat joke – so the next song up on my iPod? Yes it was “Burn” by Ellie Goulding. “So you gotta let it burn, burn, burn” I did laugh out loud, typical inappropriate humour from my father, I really should’ve expected nothing less… swiftly followed by “Break On Through” by the Doors. “Break on through to the other side” yep, not kidding! I am always grateful and a more than a little bit in awe at how our loved ones can still make us laugh from beyond… they use what we know and love, in our frame of reference to let us know they are with us and held in their thoughts always. Thanks Dad… Still love ya <3 xxx
Reiki Changed my Life!
I could sing the praises and benefits of Reiki all day every day, as it truly changed my life years ago.
I was reluctant at first. A dear Reiki Master level friend had been asking me for months to just try it as a treatment to help with pain in my leg after surgery. I just didn’t see how it could work, but eventually I relented and she placed her hands on my head… I felt the heat build in her hands, saw colours swirling behind my eyelids, warmth and healing was flooding through my body. I felt relaxed and yet vibrant all at once. Better still, I was pain free for the first time in 5 years, and thats all I needed to know. I wanted in, and started to receive regular treatments and began my studies to become qualified and practise on myself and others.
If you have tried Reiki as a recipient, you probably had a similar experience to mine, and know how relaxed and calm you feel with regular treatments. I self treat every day for pain management, peace of mind and strengthened ability to roll with whatever life throws my way. I treat people and animals all over the world distantly and in person, and I treat the horses here on the farm – Shenley our cat loves his Reiki belly rubs!
If you would love to strengthen yourself on every level of your being, to become peaceful, calm, centred no matter what, I can’t recommend Reiki enough.
I look forward to treating you and/or teaching you this amazing energy work that is Reiki!
Lots of love
Rachel xxx
A month of revelation…
Why I’m not going to be reading any more…
If you are on my mailing list or Facebook, you’ll already have heard this week that as of October 1st, I’m not going to be reading any more. And that’s a good thing 🙂
Time for a change…
Over the past 24 years I’ve learned so much and have enjoyed working with so many people who needed readings along the way, it’s been a real privilege.
That said, when you do something for a very long time, sometimes you need a change.
As of October 1st I won’t be providing tarot readings or phone/Skype guidance sessions any more. I really want to focus on the therapies, writing books and courses, and teaching side of things from now on.
Nothing I’ve learned from my guides and years of mediumship communication with Spirit will be wasted in bringing forward the next vanguard of psychics and mediums who want to work with integrity and become the best they can be.
So… in the meantime… if you want one last phone/Skype reading or intuitive guidance session with me, it’s time to book yourself in sometime between now and the end of September.
Let me tell you a little about my journey to this decision. It has been a long time coming.
The reasons that lead us to seeking out a reading can often be symptoms of a deeper change that is needed. Sometimes when I am reading for someone, I’ll feel so strongly that it isn’t words but a shift in energy that will best address the issue that compelled them to seek me out. I’ll get a “knowing”…I can feel it just before my guides step in and say “You know what? Let’s use the remainder of the session to do some healing/cleansing/ empowering work for this person.” They’ll show me that words aren’t enough in that situation but something else I can do *is*.
Shifting how we feel about something we cannot change is so powerful, realigning our attitude of expectation to that of gratitude, and taking the opportunity to evolve through a situation rather than asking “When will this change?” or “When will life stop kicking my ass?” Because the answer is often, “When I re-focus on whatever it is I need to do to act and make that happen faster” 🙂
Everything is energy… and we are all connected by some form of it. Energy does not diminish it just changes form. We can powerfully influence some life events, simply by focusing our attention on or away from something. I’ve seen people worry themselves into disease, and I’ve seen people change their lives into something so joyous there are no words. All solely with energy, the power of thought, free will, intention and taking action consistently to empower those intentions. Energy is not restricted by geography, time nor space. It can be harnessed to work with our intentions and we can learn to send it to wherever it can do the greatest and highest good for ourselves and others. I love to help you do this!
The people I work with in energy work sessions such as Reiki healing, Anxiety Therapy, Chakra Cleansing and Balancing, Hypnotherapy/Regression etc, tell me they feel so much more empowered, stronger, better able to make decisions and feel more in control of their ability to roll with whatever life brings afterwards. This is where I truly see the life changing results for my clients, this is where I believe I can make the most difference to people’s lives now. I base my findings on the results I see in the people who come to me for that energy work. Those who make a commitment to themselves, want something to shift into gear on all levels. Working with you in this way is where my heart lies. I’m always telling people to follow their passion after all, so I’m taking my own advice!
Like jump starting a car with a flat battery, I’ve found that energy work can do so much more for us all than a reading. Tarot readings are incredibly validating but I’ve seen way many more people change their lives for the better with some intuitive tailored energy boosting and healing combinations than anything I could ever channel in words from our guides.
If I have only ever read for you in some form in the past, stay with me, let’s try a different approach together.
I completely understand any scepticism. For example, I assumed hypnotherapy was quackery and I didn’t believe Reiki could possibly work before I tried any of it. I didn’t understand how or why it could work… but I felt the positive effects of these therapies afterward, a phobia cured, being pain free for the first time in years…and there was all the proof I could ask for. Real, tangible results.
I went on to learn all I could about energy work and get myself qualified. I needed to know more and to help others access it through me too. If you try working in this way with me and don’t find it at least as empowering as having a reading, I can certainly recommend some personal friends and great people to read for you instead of me.
I have considered it a privilege, an honour, truly to have psychic ability. Over half my life has been spent in this calling. I have really enjoyed reading for people, I never cease to marvel at what can come through in a reading, the funny “say what you see” moments especially tickle me… but I have to honour my need to step away and really immerse myself in the wealth of other things I can do for you.
Thank you so much for choosing me to work with since the 1990s… I am grateful for everything clairvoyance and mediumship brought me, on every level and for all the experiences I’ve had with you all along the way.
What a ride!
With Love from me to you and your loved ones…
Rachel xxx
Book yourself in for one last reading hereÂ
Charlie Charlie can Foxtrot Oscar…
What a week!
Lots of emergency cleanses and nasty things dealt with and banished -all fitted in around an already full diary thanks to idiots doing the “Charlie Charlie Challenge” – if you haven’t heard of this yet, its the latest thing don’t you know.
Sigh. Ok I’m going to vent a little here…
People are daring themselves to summon a Mexican (why Mexican??) demon child to ask trivial questions. Using two balanced pencils and a piece of paper, or variations on that theme. Like a kind of demonic dowsing. As you do of course…
Some of the pencil movement can be attributed to nothing more than gravity doing its thing… but I’ve got rid of some particularly nasty spirits just in the past few days alone that took advantage of teenagers taking part in this fad – so its not harmless fun.
As with all dabbling, all kinds of wandering earthbound souls and far, far worse comes through – I know this to be true from years of dealing with people’s ouija mishaps and based on what I’ve seen this week.
Word is out in the inbetween places that idiots everywhere are opening up their homes willingly, their families and themselves!
So whatever is being used, be it just words of invocation, Ouija boards, home made versions with pencils and paper – its all still the equivalent of opening your front door in the worst part of town and putting up a neon sign saying “Assholes Welcome” – damage can and will be done!
If you are not a trained medium, who knows how to deal with whatever you may make contact with  – FFS STOP IT!
I never take chances when it comes to this subject. If anyone in your family or friendship circle has participated in this ridiculousness, don’t just assume nothing happened. It can take time before a nasty spirit shows itself as being such and starts any trouble. And by that point, its nice and strong.
If you know of a place where this has happened it will need an extensive and complete cleansing of the space and an experienced professional to check whether some kind of portal remains that needs to be closed and sealed for good.
PLEASE never dabble, its not fun to clear up and counsel traumatised families affected by it.
(I shall descend from my soap box now)
If you need me to undo any damage – I can do that from here, if you need me to cleanse a space or people – here’s the link:Â or at least seek out a person by word of mouth recommendation who can deal with pretty much whatever they might find.
Have I Been Here Before?
Ever found yourself wondering if you have actually lived before?
Ever visited or held a fascination for a particular place, a language or a country you’ve never been to before …and yet it seems familiar? Ever met someone and felt like you’ve known them forever? Our personality traits, preferences for certain foods or a particular era in history, could all of this be influenced by our past life memories seeping through to this lifetime? I believe the answer is yes, based on my own experiences and those I’ve witnessed countless times as I regress clients on their own fascinating journeys.
Many of the world’s major religions including Buddhism and Hinduism hold the concept of reincarnation – that the soul survives the body, and is reborn into another body in another time and place – as an absolute belief.
Many of us believe through our own intuitive feelings and experiences that we have all lived many lives before this one. Not as anyone famous like Cleopatra or Henry VIII, but just as ordinary people living ordinary lives.
When I was seven, I visited the British Museum. As soon as I walked into the Egyptian Hall I felt right at home, as if I were amongst familiar things, yet I’d no knowledge of mummies, the Pyramids or read about Egypt in any books. I remember a display of canopic jars and thinking, “I remember what they are for…” as if it were a memory. I knew the meaning of some of the hieroglyphs, again, familiar. I just knew the feather symbol was “truth” …and later in life when I saw it again I just had to learn more. I’ve held a fascination and a sense of “home” with all things ancient Egyptian since that point. I now know I lived in those times, as I have since been regressed to that era.
Past life regression has been gaining in popularity for many years now, and some cases have even yielded documented evidence that has been verified as factual. One of my regression clients had an aversion to all things military, especially WWII related… and it turned out he was a Spitfire pilot, shot down over Italy. He even found a photo of his former self online with the information he produced during his session, and felt the fear that was previously so easily triggered was gone.
For most people it’s the spontaneous past life memories that seemingly some from nowhere that is the most common introduction to the concept of having lived before. These are momentary flashes or strong knowings, rather than full on total recall of entire lives lived. For example I used to be fascinated with a tv series about Dick Turpin as a child – I just knew how the men’s clothing of that era felt …the heavy cloaks, waistcoats and hats…it felt familiar, how all of that felt to wear. Yet as a female child in the 1970s, how could I possibly have that memory, that frame of reference?
Take for example Jenny Cockell, author of “Across Time and Death –A Mother’s Search for her Past Life Children”. Ever since she was a child, Jenny had what she describes as dreams and fragmented memories of a past life as Mary, a mother of many children, who died young in a village in Ireland.
Her spontaneous regressions to memories of life as Mary and the sense of guilt that she had “abandoned” her children were so vivid; she was prompted to search for those children in this lifetime. Jenny was able to draw a map of the village in Ireland where she lived as Mary, and recalled details of that lifetime which led her to Malahide, in Ireland. She found that her memories did indeed match the details of a Mary Sutton. Jenny found and met with Mary’s children (by now in their 60s and 70s) from that life, and although Mary’s children do not believe in reincarnation, they agree that somehow, their mother “speaks through” Jenny and they did verify some of Jenny’s memories as Mary.
Children are often very aware of their past lives and speak openly about them. How many of us have heard small children talk about their lives “before”?
You may have seen the story of the 3 year old boy in Gaza who not only knew his name from a previous life, but said he had been murdered. He led people to a grave where a body was exhumed with an axe blow to the head identical in placement to a birthmark he carries. He then identified where the murder weapon was buried, and an axe was found. He was also able to name the man who had killed his former self. When challenged, the man admitted the crime. In 1998, Dr. Lasch related this case history to Trutz Hardo, who practices past life regression in Germany. Mr. Hardo subsequently included the story in his book, Children Who Have Lived Before, published in 2005.
As children our cell memories of those past lives are stronger and untainted by the rationalising we use as adults.
Aged two, my little brother would talk to me about “our other mummy, from before”. I believed him, as I’d been already been able to see other people’s past lives in my work as a clairvoyant medium, and knew we choose groups of souls to reincarnate with in different roles each time in order to learn and progress spiritually to similar goals.
Past Life Regression is when you relive memories for yourself as opposed to a reading where a clairvoyant tells you the information. Past life readings and regressions with qualified therapists are now gaining in popularity for different reasons. Some enjoy tracing the facts in the information they produce about their past lives out of curiosity, wanting to know who they were. Names, dates and places are often revealed that can be researched and authenticated. But regression can be incredibly effective as a therapy to get to the root of many issues in this lifetime if the root cause was in a past life.
I often hear “I must’ve done something terrible in a past life to deserve this!” quite often… but the truth is we deal with each lifetime and process the consequences of our actions in the place between lives, on a different plane of existence. We spend time in spirit form between every lifetime before choosing to come back with new challenges and lessons to experience by our own free will. “Karma” or “what goes around comes around” doesn’t tend to carry over from one life to the next at all, but we do carry traces of memory of these lives on a cellular level of our being. We have a tiny echo of all we have ever been in every life we lived, each and every time we come back. Hence issues coming to the fore – e.g. triggered by reaching the same age as we were in that lifetime when a dramatic event occurred, or hearing a strong accent, seeing a familiar building or place.
In using regression as therapy, the purpose is not to elicit details for verification, more to pinpoint the lifetime and event where the root cause of a particular problem originated. Physical pain that does not respond to traditional medicine, fears, negative traits or phobias, even birthmarks could be linked to one or more past lives and the events therein. By acknowledging the point of origin, and with a little help and safe guidance from the therapist, the repression can be released forever.
Whatever your personal and unique reason is for wanting to experience past life regression, most of us have been here many times before so there is so much potential to explore, and so many revelations about who we are right now. For me, it continues to be an ongoing and fascinating journey of self discovery.
Do you want to experience Past Life Regression? Here’s how we can do that…
Spiritual Spring Cleaning
Sping has sprung, birds tweeting, daffodils waving in the sunny breeze… au revoir snow… Yes its that time of year again when we feel the old sap rising and that maybeeeee we should have a good old spring clean to refresh our homes for the brighter months ahead.
However, sometimes we might be reacting to more than just a few cobwebs on the ceiling or knowing there are dust bunnies under the bed. Over time a build up of energy occurs that needs to be swept away too.
To be honest until I started actively developing my spiritual self, I didn’t even realise this was a “thing”. I really started to get hit by the layer upon layer of residual energy in some people’s homes when I walked into them, and wondered how the hell someone could live with that level of energy day to day. I realised that places can accumulate and store energy from highly charged emotionally or mentally traumatic or painful situations, from events on the land… and so I realised the importance of cleansing away these layers in order to prevent us from becoming marinaded within their negativity. All of our emotions and life events can imprint on a space – even the land itself at bedrock level can absorb and even amplify these effects if negativity abounds long term. This can be especially bad and even trigger paranormal events if a particularly intense series of traumas occurred, e.g. battle, imprisonment or execution happened on a tract of land that now has other usage.
Any building will accumulate imprints of the lives lived out there… just think of the range of emotions, circumstances and life events experienced by each and every person who spent time there. When we move in, we can without realising it on a conscious level start to take that energy into our auric field and become affected by it. I’ve cleansed homes where depression gripped the entire household one by one after a short time of moving in… life was good and yet this was happening because it was there in the residual energy left behind by the former depressed and grief stricken occupants. Some people experience a series of appliance breakdowns or malfunctions, sudden plumbing problems, leaks, all kinds of odd things can manifest, like something just goes “pop” once the energy gets to a certain level.
Taking your surroundings out of the equation for a moment, regular cleanses can and do also help you to move past a difficult period of your own that you wish to leave behind and really start anew with a fresh clean slate.
I’ve been cleansing my own and the homes of others for many years now because I personally have found in my own home that the benefits are instantly uplifting. If I’ve been ill, I cleanse my home afterwards to remove the effects.
Before and after someone comes into my home for a healing session I cleanse the atmosphere, like a spiritual power up and re-set. If you are Reiki attuned, you can incorporate Reiki energy into your cleansing routine too, a home can be beautifully balanced and harmonised with it.
Whatever the cause, an oppressive, heavy or negative atmosphere is easily remedied – if its residual energy we can do it ourselves no problem. But if its something strange in your neighbourhood, who ya gonna call? Definitely a professional! Either way, if the energy of a space isn’t welcoming and homely, full of your energy and a place you want to spend time in – cleanse! It truly is  something wonderful we can do for ourselves to improve and maintain our spiritual well-being.
If you don’t know where to start you can try my Simple Home Cleansing Elemental Blessing. I’ve added this to my Meditation Store where I talk you through the blessing as a step by step audio guide. If you’ve got a bit more going on of the paranormal activity kind, you can book my services to cleanse your home for you distantly wherever you are in the world.