Witchcraft makes use of certain items as tools in ritual and in the performance of magick. Many of these tools have gained their own reputation, much of it misconceived and misunderstood among the uneducated masses and with the popular media.

The tools are symbolic, but do have purpose.

They direct and receive energies, invoke the God and Goddess if you include deity in your practices, and they banish all realms of negativity. As a witch, you may wish to gather some of these items, consecrate them, and use them. It is not necessary to have tools, but they do lend the energies you’ve infused them with, to whatever magick or ritual you’re performing.

I personally don’t have all of them, as I don’t perform every kind of ritual or spell, just those compatible with my life. Likewise, you may not wish to have all of the tools, or may feel uncomfortable with some. I use a lot of crystals, herbs and candles in my magickal workings.

Where can you find these tools? Just about anywhere. Antique shops, markets, junk shops, car boot sales, and so many places online. Always cleanse a new tool with sage before consecrating it to your personal use.

Just remember that the tool, be it a lavish, crystal encrusted athame or just an old, scratched knife, must feel right for you. What is good for one witch is not necessarily right for the next. Also remember, use what you have! An old butter knife can serve well as an athame & that’s just fine if it is what you feel comfy with.



The Athame

The Athame (pronounced ah-thah-may) is normally a dark or black handled, double-sided knife or dagger. The athame is normally dull, for it is not used to cut. The athame is used to direct energy and is often employed when casting circle. Symbols and words are sometimes engraved on the handle, but it is not necessary.

The athame is the tool of the East and is associated with the element of Air. In some traditions it is the tool of Fire.

The athame is phallic in nature and is therefore a masculine tool and linked to the God.

The Wand

The wand is one of the most renown of the tools and one of the most versatile. Traditionally, the wand is made from the wood of many different kinds of trees including willow, elder, oak, hazel, and fruit trees. The length of the wand varies from tradition to tradition, but it is safe to say that the wand should be fairly straight, comfortable in your hand and is not so long as to be unwieldy. When searching for wood for your wand, even wood from a building supply store will work. If you take your wood from a living tree, remember to ask the tree first, then thank it for its sacrifice. Wands can also be made of crystals and metal. Make the wand your own by carving or painting symbols on it, adorning it with ribbons, whatever makes the wand special to you.

For thousands of years the wand has been used in both magick and rituals. The wand is used mostly to invoke deities if you work with them, and to direct energy, or charge other objects. It is used to draw symbols on the ground and even to stir your cauldron.

The wand is the tool of the South and is associated with Fire. In some traditions it is the tool of Air.

The wand is phallic in nature, is a masculine tool and is sacred to the Gods if you choose to work with them in your chosen resonant pantheon.

The Cauldron

The cauldron is an ancient tool of magick and ritual. It is normally a three-legged vessel, ideally made of iron or brass and has the opening smaller that the body of the cauldron. They come in a variety of sizes from little ones that can be held in one hand to huge cauldrons that take three people to move! I have a tiny antique silver one for portability and a larger brass one.

The cauldron is used for many different purposes. It can be used for burning herbs and incense, magickal brewing and cooking, and is used for scrying too. It is used many different ways during ritual, especially the rituals of the Sabbats.

The cauldron is the tool of the West and is associated with Water.

The cauldron is feminine in nature and represents Goddess energy, fertility and sacred femininity.

(n.b. – a special pot or saucepan can do if you consecrate it and use it only for a cauldron!!)

The Censer

The censer is an incense burner. It can be an ornate brass burner that hangs from chains or something as simple as a small ceramic bowl.

The censer is used to burn incenses, as well as being used to invoke the element of Air.

The censer is a tool of the element Air.

The Broom

The broom is a tool of magick and ritual that is still used by Witches today. The traditional Witch’s Broom is made of ash, birch and willow because of the attributes of those woods, but it can be made of just about any wood available.

The broom is used for protection, and for physically and magickally cleaning an area that will be used for sacred space. The broom does not have to touch the ground to sweep away the psychic clutter that often collects in well used spaces. Brooms are also often used in handfasting rituals (broom leaping).

The broom is associated with Water and is sacred to both the God and Goddess.

Book Of Shadows

The Book of Shadows is a book that contains a witch’s rituals, spells, runes, dreams, recipes, etc. Within covens, the original Book is copied by hand by the initiates. A solitary witch usually keeps a book or grimoire, recording spells, useful information etc. The Book is normally a secret book.

You can write your own spells or copy them from other sources with permission – make the book uniquely your own. The Book is a record of your magickal work. Every Book of Shadows is unique. Maybe you’ve found clove oil works best for a prosperity spell while the original spell called for patchouli oil.

To make a Book of Shadows, any blank or lined book will do. Most are hard bound, but that’s not mandatory. The colour of the book is optional. You can even use an old second hand antique book and paint out the pages to make it your own, or use a binder, even make and bind a book yourself with beautiful papers of your choosing. I have one with handmade paper containing flower petals and leaves.

Many witches keep their Books on their computers too. Just keep in mind that if you keep your Book on computer to back up the data!