We’ve already been feeling the energy of this full moon. Brace yourselves!
Is conflict or chaos rising up in your life, from unexpected quarters?
There’s a conflicting alignment of planets that can create drama but we can channel this energy into positive, protective, motivational energy.This full moon in Aquarius is all about breaking the chains that restrict us individually and on a bigger scale, how we conduct ourselves as a “civilised” society. Last time we saw a planetary alignment like this was in the 16th century when Henry 8th dissolved the monasteries to remove the Pope’s power over England, which also put religious practice into the hands of the people rather than the church. I’m sure his intentions were entirely for personal gain, however, this is the kind of big energy shift, giving power to the people vibe we are able to tap into.
What we can do to stay out of drama and use this energy for good:
- Celebrating and protecting the outsiders, the underdog, those who need a lift.
- Avoid Aquarian energy overthinking, living in our heads. Have conversations, don’t make assumptions.
- Authentic self questioning – Who am I right now and does this align with who I feel I must be?
- Celebrating the right to be unique, love your quirks!
- Responsibility – what’s really yours? Which responsibilities do you need to hand back to someone? Enabling is not helping, who around you needs to stand on their own in order to evolve and learn?
- Are you holding so tightly to familiarity in an unhealthy situation that you can’t see the silver lining of letting go? There is liberation in putting yourself through the challenge, reward to be had.
This full moon is challenging us, but in all the right ways! Be brave, delve deep and don’t flinch when the solutions and insights reveal themselves…
Until next time… be well and more power to you!
Tag Archives: full moon energy report
Super Full Moon in Capricorn – June 2021
What to expect from this alignment and how to maximise the benefits:
Moon in Capricorn is always consistent and brings us a reminder of our resilience and maturity despite any fear we may be experiencing. Which is helpful as old lessons surface now. Reality sets in, bringing us either to a realisation or a crisis to force us to clear the way ahead.
It is impossible to lie to ourselves this full moon. We will be compelled to look honestly at what we are creating as our reality with our intentions. Where are your thoughts? Are they focused on lack, upsetting opinions… or joyous creation of what you wish to manifest and gratitude for what you have already?
You may feel the need to challenge yourself or others to let go, release and feel the urge to purge more than usual. Ask yourself, if something keeps niggling away… “Does this serve me well, and do I need to take action?”
It is really OK to feel shaky as we step out of old stories we’ve told ourselves, old narratives that served us at the time, maybe even in order to survive a time of hard challenge.
Do we need to release ourselves from a situation or old feelings?
We state clearly now:
“May I release these with forgiveness for myself and all involved. I did the best I could with what I knew at the time.”
It is an intense full moon so best to leave anything more complex of ritual (if you usually do more) until the moon is waning the following day when the energy has calmed a little.
The night of this full moon is time for contemplation and rest.
We can reflect upon gratitude for wisdom learned, and to those who taught or inspired us. Even ask ourselves:
“What of this wisdom can I pass on to others? What form will it take?”
“Which of my dreams can I manifest into reality by focusing my intention firmly?”
If you wish to amplify some self care on this full moon I do have a few appointments available for distant energy work (even while you sleep) – feel free to book yourself in.
More power to you!
Rachel xx
Full Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius
Energy Report – Full Moon in Scorpio April 2021
27th April 04:31 am UK/UT
Another intense full moon my lovelies!
Scorpio is the sign of secrets, Pluto the ruler of Scorpio is strong now too. This combo is like a laser beam of pure light, burning and excising corruption and lack of integrity as it moves across the planet. On a personal level, if we’ve been refusing to look at something that needs attention or burning away, it will have a light shone on it. Be prepared to do some shadow work of some kind, it will bring healing to you. As per Gloria Steinem, “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off!”
Scorpio is quite the intense sexy minx of a sign too, it works with our pleasure centre, the sacral chakra… but this is real depth of intimacy, soul bonding stuff so we can tap into this time to deepen our romantic connections and take things next level. Not the best time to start a casual fling though!
Many of us are feeling the intense energy in every level of our being as we build towards the Full Super Moon on the 26th-27th depending on where you are in the world. There are a few reasons for this.
You all know I talk about space weather and how it impacts our well-being and clarity of thought, so you may have already noticed some recent effects.
We’ve been absolutely bombarded in the past two weeks, firstly with a huge Coronal Mass Ejection (described as a tornado many times bigger than Earth’s mass!) being hurled at us, followed by many smaller solar storms.
Full Super Moons also exert a much stronger pull than usual on the Earth’s waters, and on us (we humans are approx. 80% water), so if you are feeling strange or discombobulated, now you know why! Expect volatility out there from others, ground and protect your energy, prepare for it and you will be OK. Release any energy that you may absorb unintentionally or that others may dump on you, firefighting each event is essential rather than allowing build up to occur.
There’s a real need to find release, to take good care of ourselves right now. It is non-negotiable if we wish to feel functional and calm.
What can you do for yourself today?
Personal power and how to use it wisely and with integrity will come up for you, it’s been a growing theme for us all in recent times. You may be tested, people and situations of the past may reappear to show you just how far you’ve come and how you’ve outgrown and risen above old challenges.
Power is not a dirty word. We can tap into our own power without being a megalomaniac 😊 Many of us have been becoming increasingly outraged and saddened by how it is used abusively in the world.
Like the phoenix, we hold the power to rise stronger than ever from the ashes of what tried to hurt us or those we love. If we choose to use that power.
Some questions we can ask and things to meditate upon this full moon:
- How can I tap into my power for my highest good and that of others?
- Is there an aspect of myself I refuse to look at?
- What do I dislike about myself that needs bringing into the light to be healed?
- What will bring me pleasure today?
- Can I feel safe sharing my vulnerability with a trusted person?
- What can I release myself from this full moon?
- What do I need to release my grip on?
Be honest with yourself, healing is yours.
Always here with my spiritual toolkit to help you too…
Until next time, take care and more power to you!
Rachel x
Full Super Moon March 2021 Energy Report
Full Super Moon March 28th 7:48 pm
Big shifts are afoot! Can you feel it already? My sleep patterns are often erratic around full moon but this build up is keeping me energised despite the waking. Anyone else?
Libra energy is soothing, seeking balance in all things, but pair this with fiery Aries, and a few other astrological influences around this next few days, we may go into “eff you” rebellion mode when challenged by those who want us to jump to their agenda!
Vive la revolution!
If you feel less than free and supported in any aspects of life right now, you may feel like rebelling, (or overrreacting!) so take a breath to make sure that’s entirely needed or a knee-jerk reaction.
Perhaps a change of direction will breathe new life into that area sparking the rebellion?
The continuing suppression of our freedoms is magnified by this alignment too, so don’t be surprised if the recent uprisings and legal challenges go up a gear now. If you feel so inclined, plough your rebelliousness into activism.
As an Aries with Libra moon I am feeling this one!
Questions and mantras we can meditate upon this full moon:
What no longer deserves my attention?
“I no longer give permission for X to dominate my thoughts.”
When you find your thoughts going to past negativity, refuse to engage with them and switch to any positive memory you can. This builds new neural pathways away from old paths to new patterns of positivity.
What needs balance?
What can I shift my positive “can-do” focus towards? (Write a list)
“I am the embodiment of the peaceful warrior. I am perfectly balanced.”
What can I try that I’ve never done before?
Empower yourself in a moment with this, pictured below. The warrior pose in yoga.
If you physically can hold that stance for at least a moment or two, feel the empowerment and peace it brings, it grounds and strengthens your energy at once.
Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash
However you seek balance in these days around this full moon, remind yourself, your mind will always be as free as you choose it to be.
Until next time, more power to you!
Rachel xx
Full Moon in Leo
Full Moon
28th January 19:16pm UK time
Truth vs lie is a bit of a theme on this full moon, within and without.
This is a time to sort the wheat from the chaff and make sure your knowledge is being sourced from a trusted place, especially before you act upon it. Listen to your intuition!
We need to step back from drama, personal and world stage. Time to focus on what brings us and those we love closer to our greatest and highest good instead, simplify, delete the BS, cleanse.
Make time for self-care, especially when it comes to mental health over the coming week as this full moon is one of “those” moons… intense, buzzing with energy, keeping us awake at night. I’m already waking several times per night with this energy! But not in a bad way.
We can take advantage and harness this intensity for our highest good, and I’ve been doing just that in those waking moments in the wee small hours, gazing up at mother moon, drawing down the replenishing, empowering energy. Watching the glints of diamond moonlight reflected on the snow and opening up Diamond Energy Therapy for a little blast of self healing. Marvelling in the magic of being present with that beauty of nature and the Universe. We need to drink in all of these tiny moments.
We are really being prompted to think about the opportunities and abundance we can create, the much bigger picture, beyond the current state of things. If we allow our minds to be limited now, we will miss so much possibility and opportunity.
Some questions and mantras to meditate or journal upon for this full moon:
• Where am I placing my thoughts and attention and is this for my highest good?
• What would I like to dream up, create and plan?
• I feel scared, but do I need to? What are the facts?
• I will replace all unfounded fears with trust in my own capability to cope.
• I will truly feel compassion toward myself and others.
• I call in empowered lion/lioness strength, energy and inspiration today!
This full moon is also a Wishing Moon – a time to manifest great things!
Full Moon in Cancer – December 29th 2020
Perfect cleansing and re-set energy of this full moon in Cancer on 29th December 2020 to prepare for a brighter new year!
All our close relationships, especially those with our immediate family and nurturing roles will be imbued with a deeper love, a new ease of connection if we allow. All sensitives among us will be feeling even more deeply empathic than usual… so prepare to feel ALL the feels and be OK with it!
Go with the flow, don’t fight it, no point in trying to avoid its BIG and all encompassing heightened emotions, they will flow anyway!
Today’s energy demands us to take note, evaluate and most of all take action, make change whenever and wherever a revelation is made. Expect an epiphany or two to happen today.
We can harness this energy to help to bring about necessary endings in gentle and non confrontational ways – it is a helpful time for making things less painful than need be.
So, how?
Keep it very simple.
Mindfully set an intention to receive wisdom from your higher power on how to rise above any less than healthy habits and choices, and how to gently release ourselves from people and circumstances that bring unhappiness. All will be revealed.
A perfect time to work on letting go. Can you? Be brave, all will be well.
Do you need some extra help from me with a spiritual energetic cleanse and re-set? Try my Clean Slate service.Prepare yourself and your home for a peaceful festive season and an abundant new year…
Until next time…
New Year Blessings
Rachel xxx
Full Moon October 1st – Energy Report
This is the Harvest Moon, and first of 2 full moons this month.
Time for some fearlessness.
Full Moon in Aries brings the ability to work on our struggles with motivation, identity and being a spiritual being of consciousness living this human experience in this “meatsuit” vehicle.
We have all been experiencing many WTF??? moments this year, and September was a surreal month for those moments! We may even be feeling like we have run out of patience. For us to find greater sense of peace amidst the madness of the outer world, we must put on our armour and walk fearlessly and unflinchingly into those places where we may have unknowingly been in battle against ourselves. The warrior aspect of Aries asks you to honestly fight for yourself in a better way in order to find peace.
This particular Aries Full Moon relates to the Aries New Moon on the 24th of March this year. This New Moon kicked off the New Astrological year, and happened just as most of the world was entering lock down. At a collective level this full moon calls us to release the energy of that moment in time. Aries energy encourages us to think for ourselves, seeing beyond the distraction of media and news to see the real truth. Time to accept that there are two realities at play in any moment, the physical reality – which the eyes see and the etheric reality – which the soul understands. This Aries Full Moon brings to light the connection between spirit and body – and the courage it takes to realise this connection is real within the human experience.
As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is all about new beginnings, cycles and very much the energy of us arriving here in human form at birth. As souls we are reminded now we have all chosen to incarnate at this time and in this physical form to learn and evolve within our experiences. Aries energy helps us feel motivated and the desire to get things done, to effect change. It is also about accepting the body you are living in. However we live in a material world where shallow judgements make this difficult and we can end up in a place of punishing or judging the body. This is ego (fear), not soul. This Aries Full Moon calls for a release of self judgement. We are called towards a path of greater understanding that we are both human and spirit combined. To enjoy the ride of being in physical form, we could perhaps embrace the concept that this is not our first birth and it probably won’t be our last?
This Full Moon is an ideal opportunity to manifest some deep healing. Through our deepest wounds we learn about our own healing abilities as well as our true nature.
The physical and the energetic bodies ask us to see their link to one another. For example, if you find you continually get throat irritation, where are you not speaking the truth?
Ask this Moon energy to help dissolve and release what holds you back. Sit in quietude, listen to your emotions and pay attention to your body… allow it to tell you it’s secrets.
Questions to ask ourselves:
Where am I holding myself back?
How can I be more emotionally fearless?
Where do I need to reclaim my power in my personal relationships?
Whose opinions do I really need to take into account before I make important changes?
Where do I need to take action?
Where do I need to be more patient?
What do I admire about myself?
If you wish to work with this energy, I have a Full Moon Ritual guide with some simple ways to harness this beautiful energy and make it work for you.
This is also a Wishing Moon – These particular full moons have even more power than usual for us to tap into and harness for positive change.
The harnessing of moon phase energy in magical workings is an ancient tradition. A Wishing Moon is a very powerful time to be making lists of wishes, hopes, and aspirations, which over time our will can manifest into being.
The key is in making our wishes realistic and achievable with us being prepared to meet the Universe half way with our own efforts wherever possible.
I’m here if you need any overnight treatments to soothe the soul too…
Until next time xxx
Full Moon in Libra
This is the energy of the peaceful warrior.
The scales of balance ARE Libra energy today, and this full moon shines a light on to wherever imbalance has taken hold.
It’s OK if you feel like righting wrongs, speak your truth and go with that energy wherever you can peacefully.
Do you need to address bias, discrimination, or anything that’s just plain unfair?
Maybe you would like to contribute to a social cause. How can you support the vulnerable who are at risk from the year’s pandemic? Would you like to see your work culture be more inclusive? Are animals being mistreated in your area? Whether you’re donating time or money doesn’t matter. A social media campaign can raise awareness and inspire others who do have the means to put some funds behind an important initiative.
Libra marks the halfway point around the zodiac wheel, the turning point where the astrological energy shifts from “me” to “we.”
You may feel dissatisfied by any relationships that aren’t reflecting your values, emotional or professional. Can you align and agree on the things that are most important to you—or are you just looking in completely different directions now? Libra is the zodiac’s diplomat, and this full moon will lend a hand in keeping communications, negotiations or necessary partings peaceful. If you find yourself locking horns with loved ones regularly, learning to disagree without disrespecting the other party is assisted spiritually now. Rise above any power struggles and look for the common ground, for the greatest and highest good for all concerned.
Check in with how you are feeling about your home. Has your once-calm oasis turned into a noisy, cluttered place during quarantine? Bring some serenity back to your sanctuary. Whether you want to do a full-on purge or just tackle one communal area, let the Libra full moon help you to get motivated.
Libra is ruled by Venus, so the urge to create art and see beauty in everything is stronger than usual. Get creative!
As above, so below; as within, so without.
Tonight I am holding a LIVE Full Moon Goddess Gathering on my Facebook page at 7.30pm UK time!
This will be a new experiment, so bear with me…
We will share a group drumming healing with Reiki and Eir energy, calling in the moon goddesses. We will work with oracle cards and take part in a little manifesting ritual.
I can’t wait to share this full moon empowering energy with you. You’ll need to head over to my page
at 7.30pm UT/GMT tonight Wednesday 8th April.
You’ll need:
A sheet of paper and a pen
Optional but not essential:
Candles, sage or incense
A moonstone tumblestone and/or jasmine oil
Oracle or tarot cards if you have them
A drum or rattle (or whatever you have about the place to drum on!)
There will be more online offerings to help us all in these strange times! No fee, just come along, join in and let’s raise our energy!
If you want to harness and honour this beautiful full moon with some simple energy work alone instead here’s my downloadable easy to follow Full Moon Rituals manual…
Until next time…