24th February UK
12:30pm GMT/UT
Ooh we are feeling all the feels with this full moon!
And its perfectly OK to go with it. Not the time to feel repressed or suppressed!
There are so many people in need right now, we can’t help but feel the weight of human suffering rippling out through the collective consciousness, more than ever.
This full moon is all about processing our feelings, honouring our energy with self care and wellness as Virgo helps us to intuitively figure out what action we must take, with a balanced view.
We might feel the urge to retreat from dramatic people too – honour that!
We can more easily discern what is right for us, what needs to change and how to take action with way less difficulty than usual.
We are encouraged to be selfless but without sacrificing ourselves as martyrs – balance is all.
Mother Earth wakes from her winter rest, so add this to Virgo energy and we have an irresistible urge to honour rebirth in all forms in our lives.
For a few weeks around the spring and autumn equinoxes, fissures form in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Solar wind can pour through the gaps, giving us brighter displays of Arctic lights, visible further south into Scotland, Northern America and Canada. We have the next equinox on 23rd March, so we are feeling those solar emissions very strongly, some of us empaths are feeling a little battered physically and mentally and need to ground, protect our energy and take extra care of ourselves.
Questions to ponder this full moon:
- What do I need to release to make room for new growth?
- What nourishes me at soul level?
- How can I be of service for those who need an advocate or ally?
- Who and what am I holding on to that drains me and has to go?
- Feel the urge to purge? Declutter, drop a bad habit, change your internal voice to a kinder self-speak, this moon makes it easier.
This is a very powerful time for us to work with cleansing and healing energies, to release the darkness and shift our vibration higher to the light again. The days become longer, darkness no longer rules.
Wishing you a powerful and peaceful Full Moon experience, however you honour this powerful moment!
If you wish to work with this energy, I have a Full Moon Ritual guide with some simple ways to harness this beautiful energy and make it work for you.
Mini Ceremony:
Light a candle and think of all the things you wish to attract and manifest.
Before you go to sleep tonight, think about all of those things being real, already in your life and bringing you joy.
Make a list if you wish, and place it under your pillow.
See what happens!
Enjoy this powerful energy and use it well!
Until next time, more power to you…