We are going to be experiencing an intense build of energy and events which many of us can already feel.
Today we have a new moon AND total solar eclipse in Sagittarius, daring us to dream and create new beginnings that feel authentic and aligned with our highest and greatest good.
This new moon lends energy to us acquiring higher knowledge, seeking justice, lawful changes and uncovering truth. A powerful time of revelation that will help all of us shift positively from the old to new.
We can set positive new intentions today for renewal and reinvention, as we move towards the even more powerful than usual Winter Solstice on the 21st which also aligns with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in our night sky which will be a sight to see.
Energy wise, Saturn and Jupiter are both suggesting much power being exerted by “authority” however that manifests in your life now. You may find some authority figure going all out in a last ditch attempt to control you. Mars is encouraging chaos but also creating big awakenings at the same time, so we will see some uprisings around the world in early 2021 as we move to take back our power on a global and personal level in our relationships too. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction hasn’t been seen since 1623, AND heralds the beginning of a new 20 year cycle for the human race shifting into a more mindful existence.
2021 will feel like a new beginning, energies will be so much lighter and there will be more compassion, less of the low vibrational “Me! Me! Me!” attitudes we’ve been subjected to. How refreshing!
Winter Solstice this year is a huge day for good energy worldwide. The indigenous people of Australia will be conducting a sacred ceremony at Uluru at solstice to raise vibrations for the good of the planet which we can all send good thoughts toward between now and then.
So how do we make the most of this energy shift?
Try to focus only on that you wish to see in the world, and that you wish to build upon and experience more of in your personal life as an individual. As the great Gandhi quote says, we have to “Be the change” not just wish for it.
We can partake in small random acts of kindness, contribute time and effort to something in our local or online communities, pay it forward somehow.
We really do create our reality through intention and frequency, and our manifesting powers are very real if we believe in achieving realistic changes.
What changes are non-negotiable and much needed right now?
Quarantine times have probably heightened your awareness as being a part of nature, not apart from it. We’ve become even more grateful for the pure love and energy of animal companions as well as the need for connection with each other.
How can we connect heart to heart with each other, even in times of physical separation?
You may have noticed your extra-sensory abilities have gone up a gear or two this year. I’ve been mentoring so many of you wishing to enhance your abilities, maybe you want to learn more about tapping into your inklings and knowings, helping yourself and others to evolve with this knowledge?
Do Not Feed The Fears! While the world is transitioning from darkness into a lighter state, there will be chaos but you do not have to allow it into your being. You may find my Chaos Flush attunement empowerment as helpful a tool as I do in keeping external chaos at bay. It does not enter my world, I am extremely grateful to have it in my spiritual toolkit!
Think really honestly about what it will take to effect meaningful change, to build a life you don’t want to escape from, even when challenges arise.
Do you need to retrain to sustain this vision?
Add new life skills or enhance existing abilities or qualifications to step into a life that current challenges prevent you from living?
Spend as much time as you can being mindful, meditating, or doing things that bring you joy. If you can feel peace and calm even amongst chaos, there is nothing you can’t overcome. Let go of all the old stagnant energy that’s been coming up lately – past relationships, former friendships, heavy commitments, jobs, places that you know no longer serve you, and lovingly assert yourself.
Some useful tools for you:
Free Zen Mindfulness Guided Meditation – Be in the moment, be less anxious.
Free Golden Hand Instant Grounding technique
My favourite YouTube meditation music playlist
Free Eir Healing Drumming Sound Videos
Clean Slate (including home cleanse and distant healing treatments)
Diamond Energy Therapy (30 or 60 minutes)
30 Minute Distant Healing Session
You can book yourself in with me here