This New Moon in Taurus encourages us to be grounded today, to slow the pace, rest, reflect, take stock and creatively think how we may best use all of the resources available to us in life.
This moment is giving us the inspiration to think outside the box about how to call more abundance to us and manifest what we need for our highest and greatest good for ourselves and the areas of need we wish to contribute to in the wider world too.
Relationships, resources and looking after ourselves are firmly in focus, and given the circumstances affecting the world right now, all of these things have been more important than ever of late. We’ve had no choice in slowing down and simplifying all aspects of life lately.
Taurus is the sign most connected to the earth, helping us to feel that connection and love for all sentient beings upon her. I’ve never seen so many people out in our local woodland before, reconnecting with nature and taking the time to attune to the earth again. Maybe this is the moment that never would have come otherwise for many people, this enforced slowdown, holding the mirror up close at last and asking the difficult questions about how we feel about how we’ve been living and what we intend to do about it.
This New Moon asks us to take a look into the future. Old toxic ways and systems are being exposed for exactly what they are and always have been, they are crumbling and falling down just like The Tower card in tarot, they are falling down but will be rebuilt in new, powerful ways that respect balance.
So we must go within and ask:
What part can I play to re-shape and help build a better world that respects mother earth when we aren’t in quarantine anymore?
What have I been ignoring that must change?
What do I truly feel passionate about?
When was the last time I really listened to the effects within my body and mind when I am out in nature?
We have to be channels for new ways of working, to initiate change.
May we be clear channels to help bring about compassion, respect and grace for all beings in need, including mother earth.
Taurus is about pleasure too, place your awareness down to your sacral chakra for a moment. Do you feel joyful? How do you measure joy?
Maybe it is having time to yourself?
Having time with the children you love where it’s just about laughter and play feeling peace?
Being in nature, nurturing plants or spending time with trees?
Creating something?
Maybe you measure joy differently?
How would it feel if I might start to measure joy via simpler things?
What kind of pleasure and beauty do I want to invite in through this next lunar cycle?
Pleasure can come from simplicity – eating good meals, taking long walks, being in comfy clothes, snuggling, being with nature.
What kind of joy beauty and pleasure am I inviting in?
How can I create joy beauty and pleasure for others?
Meditating on these questions will really help us to mentally emotionally, spiritually and energetically navigate this time that we’re going through together.
Embodying what we need is helpful too. If you need love, send it out, unconditionally.
Try sending this message to your body right now that you are in a state of comfort, joy, inner beauty and pleasure.
Your body responds to your thoughts…
I feel beauty
I sense beauty
I create beauty
I experience beauty
Everything that is beautiful surrounds me
I appreciate beauty
I attract beauty
I enjoy the experience of being here
I am grateful for the ability to perceive joy and pleasure
Now take a deep breath.
Get comfortable and set these powerful intentions now.
(Yes, you do hold this power!)
You can say this out loud, you can write it down, you can just absorb it in your mind:
I welcome and I claim health and well-being for all sentient beings.
I welcome and claim financial prosperity from sources seen and unseen with no detriment to any living being.
I claim the easement of all burdens that this time has caused all beings and mother earth.
I wish us all joy
I wish us all moments of silly laughter and the ability to feel a child like sense of renewal and optimism
I wish us all passion.
I wish us all a sense of connectedness to those we love and may be separated from in quarantine at this time.
I wish us a strong sense of what we stand for
May we all feel powerful and confident in what we’re doing and who we are.
I call in our collective energy and our collective wisdom to empower these intentions.
May our intentions come to pass at the perfect time and in full and deep alignment with our purpose for being on this planet at this time in this incarnation.
May our intentions come to pass in alignment with the highest good of all beings.
And so it is.
I recorded a healing drumming session for new moon last night and put it on YouTube – collect the healing and enjoy here.

I am here if you need me, just book yourself in if you need anything…
Wishing you all the very highest and greatest good.
In deepest gratitude for you all, stay safe and well.
With love and blessings
Rachel xxx